Textures Matter

We had a very interesting client interaction a few weeks ago.  Brand new client who had been going through a LOT lately and felt like their body and mind just weren’t matching up. Our first session together was “nearly a nightmare,” the client told later us. Well, shit. 

We did some talking and realized that this client hated skin on skin touching and our first session was mostly manual therapy - skin on skin touching. They didn’t feel comfortable speaking up at first.  I knew something was going on, because I realized their body wasn’t responding as expected, which led to a great conversation about why and how we at RESTAGE utilize a wide variety of therapy tools. 

This client had a particular blanket at home that anytime things got stressful, they would wrap themselves up in it. 

So I had them bring in that blanket for our next session.  Anytime we needed to include any hands-on technique, I did so only through or with the blanket. Our session was wildly successful, we accomplished all goals we had set for that day, and the client LOVED it.  We also realized that when we would have stressful training, like pushing some vision training limits, if this client put the blanket on like a cape, then tried a few reps of the training, their system was far more accepting of the stress without the anxiety it caused before, and again, we were far more successful. 

Thinking outside the box, going outside the traditional “therapy” rules, allowed this client to open up, enjoy their training, and achieve successful training. That’s how we like to do things.


Concussion in Music